The enactment of constructions workers (Bauarbeiterverordnung) from June 29th 2005 and the EKAS-guideline Nr. 6503 from December 2008 prescribe that prior to any kind of reconstruction, materials containing asbestos need to be identified and removed. Formerly, this responsibility was up to the entrepreneur, respectively the employer.
The enactment over the prevention and disposal of waste (Abfallverordnung, VVEA), that came into force on the 1st of January 2016, demands that for expected contaminants the type, quality and quantity have to be listed in the scope of the building permit application. Therewith, the responsibility newly also lies with the constructor, respectively the contracted engineers.
Due to the partly extensive restoration works, we recommend to check the potential contaminant loads already before buying a real estate.
Next to the examination of contaminated sites (topsoil and subsoil), we do also offer investigations regarding contaminants in buildlings as well as technical conduct referring to this.